Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Garden Saver

Identifes each problem, tells you what it does to the plant, and how to solve it. Information on the most common problems in all types of gardens: indoor, outdoor, hydroponic, soil. Includes a diagnostic guide, and clear photographs to quickly identify problems, and features organic and least-toxic remedies. Marijuana Garden Saver gives you the tools you need to grow healthy marijuana plants. Nutrient deficiencies, pests, diseases and environmental stresses are presented in a easy to use troubleshooting guide. Addresses all major marijuana garden problems, pests, diseases, nutrient deficiencies, and environmental stresses.

Price: $18.95

Enrollment, Schedule, and Prices.

For more information about medical cannabis classes,

contact: info@concentratedcannabissolutions.com


For more information about medical marijuana on Maui,
visit Patients Without Time website:

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