Ed Rosenthal's Zero Tolerance Herbal Pesticide

Ed Rosenthal’s Zero Tolerance stops plant pests in their tracks!

This 100% herbal pesticide is made from the highest quality oils of cinnamon, rosemary, thyme and clove. It not only kills existing pest infestations fast, it repels against new attacks, too! OMRI Listed for use in organic production.

Made from pure food grade ingredients that smell great (no chemy odors), Zero Tolerance is very effective against spider mites, thrips, aphids, fungus, gnats and more. Completely plant, people, and pet friendly and environmentally-safe so you can use it without worry — indoors or out!

For fruits and vegetables, Zero Tolerance can be applied up to 5 days before harvest.

Price: $125.00

Enrollment, Schedule, and Prices.

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contact: info@concentratedcannabissolutions.com


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visit Patients Without Time website:

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